Stanley Cup Playoffs 2013 – Day 29

Day-29 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs:

INKTIME  on RINKTIME Observations and Random thoughts by Chris Madsen:

INSIDE THE NUMBERS, PART 1:  With the series knotted at 3-games apiece, tonight the Kings play host to the Sharks with a trip to the Western Conference Finals on the line.  San Jose forced a Game-7 with a 2-1 victory at the Shark Tank on Saturday to maintain a common thread in this match-up–neither team has yet to win a game on the road.
But before you go crowning the Kings a winner before they even drop the puck, here are a few background notes that may sway your opinion.  What if I told you that the core guys in the Kings line-up–Anze Kopitar, Dustin Brown, Drew Doughty and Jonathan Quick–have NEVER experienced the heart-pumping, nerve frazzling, live-or-die-with-the-outcome finality.
If there was ever a time for Brown to lead by example, then tonight’s the night: “The worst thing going into a Game 7 is being uptight and stressed about it,” Brown said. “You should be excited to play in a game like (this). That’s where heroes are made.”
So will a guy like Anze Kopitar be that hero tonight?  “Everybody wants to be in these types of games, and you want to raise the level of play, and eventually you want to be the hero in these types of games.”
One thing is for certain…the numbers appear to be with the Kings.  Not only have they yet to lose at home to the Sharks in this series, but they have won 15 of the last 16 games between these two clubs that have been played at Staples Center.
And as for this So-Called Expert, I stand behind my original pick.  The Kings will prevail in this series…except in 7 games, as opposed to the 6 I called for.
INSIDE THE NUMBERS, PART 2:  Talk about going from the Outhouse to the Penthouse!
Sharks veteran Center, Scott Gomez is about to play in the 10th Game 7 of his career…Can you believe that?  HIS 10TH!!!Ahhh…the benefits of playing with established franchises (New Jersey, Rangers, Canadiens).  But keep in mind that Montreal couldn’t banish Gomez fast enough–and yet, to his credit–Gomez sucked it up, suited up with Alaska of the ECHL and EARNED  a spot on the Sharks roster.

So, tonight, will Scott Gomez continue to reap the rewards?  “The main thing is that you can’t change your game,” Gomez said. “Do what got you here. Obviously, emotions are going to be running high. Family, friends, everyone — all eyes are on it. The team that can control (emotions) the most, and it sounds easier than it is, usually that’s the team that has success.”

Perhaps Coach Todd McLellan should just step aside and let Gomez reiterate those very words prior to the drop of the puck???!!!


INSIDE THE NUMBERS, PART 3:  I want to thank many of my avid readers, friends and long-time NHL associates who contacted me to say how they were touched by yesterday’s MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE here on INKTIME ON RINKTIME. In keeping with the spirit of “leave no man behind”, I ask that you conisder supporting this wonderful cause, while encouraging the participation in the game that we all love:

For your consideration:





San Jose    at Los Angeles 9:00 PM EST

Chris Madsen